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New Year REDO


Anyone else needing a New Year REDO? I started the New Year off on a weird foot to be honest. I felt disorganized, no goals in place, etc. Watching everyone else crushing it early on made me feel so behind.

But WHY?

How can I be behind on my own journey? A journey that I started 7 years ago?

Then I realized, I can’t.

There is no such thing on being behind or being too late. My journey Is mine and mine alone. It started back in 2012 when I made the decision to go ALL in on my goals. I remember the day like it was yesterday to be honest.

September 28th, 2012.

I was attending a work event and the speaker made us write down a list of our top 10 accomplishments and disappointments for the year so far. It was at that very event that I realized just how much my health was holding me back in life. I was allowing my weight, my lack of self confidence and worth hold me back from living my best life.

That was the day I knew I was faced with the decision.

  1. Be ok with it

  2. Make a change

Whatever we are not changing, we are CHOOSING. Read that again.

Whatever we are not changing in our lives, we are essentially CHOOSING. That day, back in 2012, I made the decision to change. I made a choice to no longer remain the same. I decided I would rather workout and learn how to ditch the cheetos than live the way I had been living. It is ALL hard – being overweight, losing weight, etc. It is up to US to choose the HARD. I didn’t want to choose to continue to go down the path of gaining weight and I was ready to make a change.

I used the scroll the gram and see these super fit girls and think – man, must be nice to be them. But, once I started my journey to losing my 75 pounds, I realized that it isn’t easier for some people. We all get up each day and have the same 24 hours. Those people who it looks easy for? I realized they were just making different choices than I was – and I could make those SAME choices, if I was willing to.

So, here I am now 7 years later.

Everyday, the old me FIGHTS to have me back. I still crave junk. McDonald’s still smells amazing (yep, I said it). Those old habits creep back in from time to time. Heck, I am human. It never gets easier – oh man, this is going to be cheesy – but you get stronger. Told ya 😉 Willpower is like a muscle and the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets. When we stop using it, it can weaken. BUT, we can always make the choice to use it again.

I started the New Year off poorly. Doing my workouts, but not giving my ALL. Eating healthy, but allowing more treats than I should. Drinking water, but not nearly enough. Feeling super tired and convincing myself that I needed more coffee instead of more water.

We don’t need another January to recommit.

We don’t need a Monday to make a change.

Every meal is a new opportunity to start again.

That is the thing about this journey. It is a rollercoaster. So many ups and downs. The ups are crazy exciting where we feel on top of the world, like nothing can stop us. Then we find ourself heading downhill and hitting a low. THIS is what separates those who have success and those who quit. When you hit a LOW, have FAITH that the high is coming again. When you are down, the only way you can go is up!

We get two choices.

We can keep fighting hard or we can get off the ride. If you exit the rollercoaster, you won’t be able to reach that next high, where you feel on top of the world.

The first few weeks of January were my version of the low on the rollercoaster. Where I felt like I was going through the rollercoaster. Rather than getting off the ride, I fought hard to figure out what was in my control to change:


  1. I started my program over. Yep. I want to go through all 6 weeks of my fitness program giving it 100%. So, starting over is what I did.

  2. I started logging my food again and taking pictures of it ALL, even if it isn’t ‘pretty’. I feel BEST when I am following some sort of meal plan. Food addiction is a real thing and I know myself. I thrive on structure and a plan.

  3. I wrote out my meal plan, grocery shopped and meal prepped. Let’s face it, with three kids, if I don’t prep ahead of time, I end up winging it and snacking all day. Not a good thing for me. So, I made a plan and set aside time to get things prepared to make it easier during the week!

  4. I started drinking more water! Made myself a rule that there was no extra caffeine if I was behind on my water goals for the day. I also make sure I drink 16 ounces of water before I eat anything! Dehydration can make me feel munchy, when really, I am just thirsty!

  5. I told people my plan! I know telling others my struggles, like I am now, helps me stay on track. When people KNOW my plan, I feel more accountable!

  6. Lastly, I made a commitment to get out of my own dang way. Exercise and eating healthy is just like brushing my teeth. Part of taking care of myself. I am not always going to want to, but I know I need to. So, just doing the dang thing and trusting the process.

Three full days into my recommitment and I am down three pounds and feeling like I am heading back up again.

If you are in the same boat. Make the decision to recommit TODAY. Go all in. Figure out what you can do to get started again. You are human, it is ok to struggle, but it is not ok to stay stuck. Make the choice to get unstuck!

You got this girl!

If you need help getting started, my next Bootcamp starts next week. I am in the trenches, right along side of you, and if I have learned anything, it is how important support and accountability are. Let’s do this TOGETHER. CLICK HERE TO REQUEST MORE INFO

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