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“When you step into life with confidence and feel good in your own skin, everything changes. Doors open that you never even realized were there.”

My Weight Loss Journey

My own weight loss journey inspired me to become a Coach. 

It all began in 2012 when I attended a work event featuring Jinny S. Ditzler, the author of “Your Best Year Yet.” At that time, I was a 24-year-old fresh out of college, was over 215 pounds, uncomfortable in my body, feeling like a failure and feeling somewhat lost in a room full of accomplished individuals.

Jinny’s advice hit me hard: Write down the top 10 accomplishments and top 10 disappointments for the year. The struggle to come up with accomplishments was real—I couldn’t think of any. Meanwhile, I had 15 disappointments flooding my mind. It was a stark moment of realization—I was the only one at the table jotting down disappointments while my peers were achieving milestones, running marathons, winning awards, getting promotions, and embracing major life events.

Returning home that day, I felt defeated and embarrassed. I wondered, “What’s wrong with me?” Taking that piece of paper home, I closely examined those 15 disappointments. They weren’t just about the number on the scale; they were a reflection of my lack of confidence, deep-seated insecurities, and a sense of unworthiness. I realized I wasn’t taking care of myself, and it showed.

At that point, I had two options: make peace with those disappointments because whatever you’re not changing, you’re choosing, or take the path less traveled, make the hard choices, and embark on a journey of self-improvement. I was 215 pounds at 24, having gained weight rapidly after college. I refused to let that define my story. I didn’t want to wake up in my 40s, 50s, or 60s regretting missed opportunities, blaming laziness, excuses, busyness, or exhaustion.

On September 28, 2012, I made a promise to myself—I wouldn't quit. 

For the first time in my life, I committed to following through on a promise I made to myself: to get healthy once and for all. I was committed to figuring it out and never giving up. Even when I didn’t feel like working out, I did it anyway. Even when I craved a burger, I made healthy choices. I aligned my decisions with how I wanted to feel and the direction I wanted my life to take. I chose not to quit.

I had faced many failures in the past, countless moments where I’d start something and give up when it got tough. But this time, I refused to accept that for the rest of my life. I wanted better.

If you're reading this and are ready to take the first step towards taking your life back, I encourage you to make today the day you choose differently. 

This is why I coach—because I know that one decision to change your life can transform your entire future. When you step into life with confidence and feel good in your own skin, everything changes. Doors open that you never even realized were there.

Now, I spend my days helping other women achieve what I have accomplished. Teaching them how to lose weight for the last time by focusing on two pounds at a time and teaching women how to leverage their own journey and turn it into a stream of income for their families. better.

Work with Me

1:1 Coaching

Feeling stuck along your weight loss journey and need a little extra support and guidance to figure out how to…


Business Coaching

Are you on your weight loss journey and ready to learn how to leverage your journey to create additional income for you family…


Lose weight with me

Ready to ditch the weight loss struggle for good, but not sure where to start?