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Learn More

Are you on your weight loss journey and ready to learn how to leverage your journey to create additional income for you family, help others get healthy and scale a business from home?

I am a direct sales professional with nearly 10 years of experience. I lead and mentor one of the top teams within the BODi Network and specialize in teaching women how to scale a business from home within the health and fitness space.

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching

Feeling stuck along your weight loss journey and need a little extra support and guidance to figure out how to get unstuck so you can lose weight and ditch the weight loss struggle for good?


Business Coaching

Are you on your weight loss journey and ready to learn how to leverage your journey to create additional income for you family, help others get healthy and scale a business from home?
I am a direct sales professional with nearly 10 years of experience. I lead and mentor one of the top teams within the BODi Network and specialize in teaching women how to scale a business from home within the health and fitness space.
If you are interested in learning more about turning your love of health and fitness into a stream of income, tap here and I will send you more information.


Lose weight with me

Ready to ditch the weight loss struggle for good, but not sure where to start? I will give you all the tools you need in order to lose weight, the same tools that have helped me lose over 80 pounds and keep it off. You will get access to my exclusive Fit Club community where you will get all the tools, inspiration, advice and support you need to ditch the weight once and for all.